welcome to the axolotl year tracker.

year feature

the year feature shows exactly what year it is in axolotl time! :3

how to get normal year from axolotl year

current axolotl year - 556 = current gregorian year

current axolotl year + 1777 = current korean year

current axolotl year - 555.96438356164 = current julian year

current axolotl year = current axolotl year

current axolotl year + 2080 or 2140 = current chinese year

year words feature

bug: everytime a year has a 0 in it it doesnt work (for years like 2530 (1974) with a 0 in them, expect something like "axolotl plushie" or "rad plushie", where there is no adjective or plushie descriptor)

this feature applys words to every year! like for 2578 (2022) it was best icecream plushie! and for 2541 (1985), it was good dragon plushie!


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